Thursday 21 February 2013

oh, hello

ok. here we go.

welcome to my blog. i suppose this was inevitable to some extent due to the sheer volume of pseudo-scientific monkeybabble i've spewed all over various innocent fora. never mind. that's all in the past now and those poor musicians and anglers can go back to having proper discussions about things like whether they would inseminate a giant squid or what the correct colour of rod is without my asinine interjections.


so what is my theme? what sort of things can you expect that might tickle your collective fancies?

the emphasis is going to be very much on archaeology as that's my passion. if you visit once in a while you'll be able to see some fairly amazing things and map the progress of my surge into this unsuspecting field.

there'll also be a lot of fishing for bass using lures, nature conservation and ecology, a bit of music, maybe even some geology. probably lots of other stuff too but we'll see what happens, eh?

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